On May 21, 2012, the San Mateo County Superior Court granted final approval to a $2.1 million proposed class action settlement in Galu v. Genentech, Inc. The class action was filed on behalf of about 110 current and former employees of Genentech who worked as Foundation Specialists or Reimbursement Analysts in the Genentech Access to Care Foundation. The plaintiffs allege that Genentech misclassified them as exempt from overtime pay under California law, failed to pay class members required overtime pay, and failed to provide proper off-duty meal periods and related compensation and penalties.
In order to receive their share of the settlement, class members must have sumbitted claim forms by April 7, 2012. We currently expect settlement checks to mailed to class members who submitted valid claim forms by mid-August, though it is possible that this date may change. For more information, call 1-800-822-5000 or email us at Genentechsettlement@dhkl.law. You may also contact the Settlement Administrator at 855-250-2804.