Court Approves Historic Settlement of Levi’s Stadium ADA Access Class Action Reached by DHKL and Co-Counsel
July 27, 2020
On the eve of the 30th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Honorable Lucy H. Koh granted final approval to the class action settlement in Nevarez, et al. v. Forty Niners Football Co., requiring the defendants to fix more than 2,600 accessibility barriers throughout Levi’s Stadium and the pedestrian right of way leading to the Stadium, and pay $24 million to Stadium visitors with mobility disabilities, the largest damages fund in any case of this type. Judge Koh stated that the settlement is an “outstanding result obtained for the class,” and is important to the public.
Read the case order here.
For more information about Nevarez, et al. v. Forty Niners Football Co., click here.