Vera Willner v. Manpower, Inc.

DHKL along with Jackson Hanson, LLP filed a proposed class action lawsuit against Manpower, Inc. in Alameda Superior Court on March 17, 2011. This case was brought by a former temporary employee of Manpower, on behalf of herself and other temporary employees. The complaint alleged that Manpower violated various California state laws by issuing wage statements (“paystubs”) that did not contain certain information required by California law and by issuing some paychecks later than required by California law. The action was later removed by Manpower, Inc. to the Northern District Federal Court of California.

On January 2, 2015, the Court preliminarily approved a class action settlement benefiting approximately 20,270 current and form temporary employees of Manpower, Inc. who were employed by Manpower between March 17, 2010 to January 20, 2012 and who received wage statements (paystubs) by U.S. Mail, payment card of electronic transmission. A notice of the terms of this class action settlement and claim forms were mailed out to class members on February 12, 2015. In order for any class member to receive his/her settlement award, completed claims forms must be postmarked by April 13, 2015. Any class members whose address has recently changed should provide updated address information to the settlement administrator or to our firm.

Please contact us at 510-763-9800 if you want more information about the case.

Case Documents