Valerie Welch, et al. v. Genentech, Inc.

DHKL filed a proposed class action lawsuit on October 3, 2013, in San Mateo Superior Court against Genentech, Inc. (“Genentech”) on behalf of Case Managers and Foundation Specialists who help patients gain access to Genentech medications. The six named plaintiffs allege that, until the company changed its policy on October 1, 2013, Genentech misclassified them and all those similarly situated as exempt from overtime pay under California law and failed to pay them required overtime pay and to provide them with meal and rest periods. On 8/5/14, the Court preliminarily approved a class action settlement benefiting Genentech’s Case Managers and Foundation Specialists in California. 

On December 18, 2014, the Court granted final approval and entered judgment for the class action settlement. We expect settlement checks to be distributed sometime in March 2015. Any class members whose address has recently changed should provide updated address information to the settlement administrator or to our firm.

Please contact us at 510-763-9800 if you want more information about the case.

Case Documents