Lipnick, et al v. Sprint, Case No. 08-2113-KHV (D. Kansas), is a putative class and collective action lawsuit pending in federal court in Kansas. Goldstein, Demchak and co-counsel Stueve Siegel Hanson LLP represent Plaintiffs and a class of telephone customer service employees in Sprint’s California call center. The case seeks recovery of unpaid wages and related compensation and penalties for these employees who allegedly work before and after their scheduled telephone shifts, and during meal and rest periods without proper pay. The class consists of all customer service employees who have worked in the California call center at any time between May 18, 2003 to March 27, 2008. This case has been consolidated with other related cases pending in Kansas where the federal court is reviewing the proposed class action settlement. On August 25, 2009, a federal district court approved the $2 million class action settlement for customer specialists at Sprint’s call center in Rancho Cordova, California. DHKL partners David Borgen and Laura L. Ho represented the plaintiffs, along with co-counsel Stueve, Siegel, Hanson.