In Levy, et al. v. Verizon Information Services, Inc., DHKL and co-counsel Outten & Golden of New York, N.Y. represent eight sales representatives of Verizon Information Services and/or its subsidiaries and affiliates throughout New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. The plaintiffs contend that Verizon did not pay sales representatives for all of the overtime that they in fact worked. The plaintiffs also assert that Verizon instituted a “chargeback” policy and practice that resulted in deductions from the wages of sales representatives to offset adjustments, cancellations, and credits that Verizon provided to customers, and engaged in other practices that shifted the risk of ordinary business losses from the employer to the employee in violation of New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania state wage laws. The action was brought as a class action in the United States District Court of the Eastern District of New York. In January 2009, the parties notified the court that a settlement of the overtime claims had been reached and would soon be filed with the court. The settlement process now awaits developments in Idearc’s March 31, 2009 bankruptcy filing. We hope to complete the settlement when the bankruptcy process allows us to do so.