Lange v. Ricoh Americas Corporation

DHKL, with co-counsel HammondLaw, P.C., represents Chris Lange in a class action complaint alleging Ricoh Americas Corporation failed to pay their account executives for all business expenses necessary to perform their job duties. Those expenses include car mileage, cell phones and home office equipment. The case is filed in Alameda County Superior Court and seeks to recover such expenses for all account executives who have worked for Ricoh Americas Corporation in California since June 2009.

On 8/18/14, the Court preliminarily approved a class action settlement for the 250 class members. Individual settlement notices were mailed on 9/5/14.  On 12/17/14, the Court gave final approval to the class action settlement for 250 outside salespeople employed by Ricoh in California who alleged they were not being fully reimbursed for business expenses. Settlement checks will be mailed by late January 2015.

Please call us at (510) 763-9800 if you wish to speak with us about the case.

Case Documents