Barry Goldstein joined the firm as a partner in 1989, when it was known as Saperstein & Seligman. He became a named partner in 1991 and managing partner in 1995. Since January 2000, Mr. Goldstein has been Of Counsel with the firm. NAACP Legal Defense and Education Fund, Inc., (LDF) for eighteen years, including several years as the Director of its Washington, D.C. office, litigating employment discrimination or related cases including Albemarle Paper v. Moody, Lorrance v. AT&T Technologies (argued in Supreme Court), IUE v. Robbins & Myers (argued in Supreme Court), Detroit Police Officers Assn. v. Young, James v. Stockham Valves & Fitting, Inc.
- Bachelor of Arts degree in Government from Harvard College
- Diploma in Criminology from the University of Cambridge
- J.D. degree from Columbia University (James Kent Scholar)
Bar and Court Admissions
California,1989; New York
U.S. District Courts: Northern District of California
U.S. Court of Appeals: Ninth Circuit
U.S. Supreme Court
Representative Cases
City of Burlington v. Dague, 112 S. Ct. 2638 (1992) (argued in Supreme Court)
Lorance v. AT&T Technologies, 490 U.S. 900 (1989) (argued in Supreme Court)
IUE v. Robbins & Myers, 429 U.S. 229 (1976) (argued in Supreme Court)
Babbitt v. Albertson’s, Inc., No. C-92-1883-SBA (PJH) (N.D. Cal.) ($29.5 million in monetary relief obtained)
Satchell v. FedEx Corp., No. C 03-02659 SI (settlement approximately $55 million)
Gonzalez v. Abercrombie & Fitch, No. 03-2817SI (N.D. Cal.) (settlement of approximately $47 million)
Shores v. Publix Super Markets, Inc., No. 95-1162-T-25E (M.D. Fla.) (lead counsel in companywide class action resulting in $81 million award)
Butler v. Home Depot, No. 94-4335-SI (N.D. Cal.) (counsel in gender discrimination class action resulting in $85.5 million class award)
Byrd v. Sprint Corporation, No. CV 92-18979 (Circuit Ct. Mo.) (lead counsel in class action to recover lost commissions that resulted in an award of over $60 million)
Weddington v. Ingles Supermarkets, No. 4:98-CV-0044-HLM (lead counsel in class action resulting in a $16 million award)
Haynes v. Shoney’s, Inc., (N.D. Fla.) (co-lead counsel in litigation that resulted in an award of $132.5 million for victims of discrimination and company-wide injunctive decree)
Albemarle Paper Company v. Moody, 422 U.S. 405 (1975) (drafted brief and lead trial counsel on remand)
Coulter v. State of Tennessee, 806 F.2d 146 (6th Cir. 1986) (argued)
Moss v. The Lane Company, 471 F.2d 853 (4th Cir. 1973) (trial counsel and argued)
Pettaway v. American Cast Iron Pipe Co., 494 F.2d 211 (5th Cir. 1974) (argued)
United States v. United States Steel Corp., 520 1043 (5th Cir. 1975), cert. denied, 434 U.S. 102 (1977) (Trial counsel in three consolidated private actions and argued on appeal)
Representative Publications
Co-Author, Ricci v. DeStefano: Does It Herald an “Evil Day,” or Does It Lack “Staying Power”, The University of Memphis Law Review, 706 Vol. 40 (2010).
Co-editor, Schlei & Grossman, Employment Discrimination Law (3d. ed.)
Co-editor, Schlei & Grossman, Employment Discrimination Law 1987–89 Supplement (2d ed.)
Ethical Issues in the Strategy for Preparing and Litigating an Employment Discrimination Class Action, 10 Employee Rights and Employment Policy Journal 505 (2006)
Turning Back the Title VII Clock: The Resegregation of the American Work Force through Validity Generalization, 33 Journal of Vocational Behavior, 452 (1988)
Representing a Victim of Employment Discrimination, 13 Litigation 12 (Spring 1987) republished in The Litigation Manual, Second Edition (ABA 1988)
Affirmative Action Debate Shifts to ‘When,’ ‘How’, 8 National Law Journal, S-5 (Aug. 11, 1986)
Title VII at Twenty: The Continuing Challenge, 1 The Labor Lawyer 235 (1985) (with J.L. Chambers)
The Historical Case for Goals and Timetables, 16 New Perspectives 20 (1984)
Representative Speaking Engagements
ABA, Section of Labor and Employment Law, Advocacy Institute, participant in Mock Trial, February 1988
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission concerning the preparation of training film on techniques and on proof of illegal testing procedures
ABT Associates, project for the Department of Labor regarding the development of a proper labor market availability analysis
Preparation of mock employment discrimination trial for presentation in England to English judges
Expert witness in several cases concerning complex litigation and attorneys’ fees issues
Presenter at numerous continuing legal education programs